Unlike the main version, PUBG Mobile Lite can be played on any Android phone that has 600MB of free space and 1 GB of RAm. The only reason why fans love to play PUBG Mobile Lite is the developer keeps rolling out new updates to the game. The latest PUBG Mobile Lite update that they have released is the 0.20.1 version. If you want to update or download PUBG Mobile Lite 0.201.1 version then we have got you everything covered here.

PUBG Mobile Light New Update 0.20.1 Download

To download PUBG Mobile Light 0.20.1 global version APK file, you will have to follow few simple steps. If you have been playing PUBG Mobile Light 0.20.0 then you don’t need to uninstall or remove the current version to get the game updated. Those who don’t have installed PUBG Mobile Light 0.20.0 on their phone will have to download it first and then update it to the latest version. Without any further ado, let’s take a look at each step one by one. Note: Make sure you have at least 600 MB free space on your device because the size of PUBG Mobile Lite 0.20.1 is 576MB.

Visit the official website of PUBG Mobile Lite.  (Indian citizens are not allowed to visit this website) Click on the ‘Download APK’ button to get the downloading process started. Make sure you have enabled the ‘Install For Unknow Source’ option on your smartphone. Once downloaded, you will have to install the APK file of the PUBG Mobile Lite 0.20.1 version. Once the game installed and in-game patches are completed on your phone, you will be able to play the latest version of PUBG Mobile Lite.

If you are having any trouble downloading the latest version of PUBG Mobile Lite, you can let us know in the comment section below. We will try our best to resolve your problem. For more PUBG Mobile and Free Fire-related updates, Stay tuned to Games Adda.