The Ban Pan was introduced by PUBG in 2019 as a way to combat the rampant rise of hackers and cheaters in the game. As part of this move, the developers banned a large number of accounts to ensure a better gaming environment. With PUBG Mobile Ban Pan 2.0, the developers are doubling down on their efforts to provide a fair gaming experience to all its players. Let us take a look at all the new features this Ban Pan will introduce.

PUBG Mobile Ban Pan 2.0: What To Expect?

The new and improved Ban Pan is introducing new features to catch hackers in the game. Features like Fog of War, Improved UI, Eagle Review System, and an improved AI will all be central in PUBG Mobile’s no-cheat policy. Let us take a closer look at all these features.

Fog of War

This feature has been put in place to combat the X-Ray vision and other similar cheats. As per this feature, players will only receive data within their visible range. Any data outside a player’s visible range will not be synched locally. This will prevent the hackers field of vision and level the playing field.

Improved System AI

The system AI has also been improved further to detect unfair player behavior that can be considered cheating. This improved system AI will separate the hackers and cheater from players that are following the rules of the game. The AI will also be able to give penalties for suspicious players after the PUBG Mobile Ban Pan 2.0. ALSO READ| How To Recover Hacked Free Fire Account?

Eagle Review System

The Eagle Review System will have senior investigators that will observe suspicious players during a game to get a more accurate idea of whether a player is cheating or not. This PUBG Mobile Ban Pan 2.0 feature will ensure that only players that are repeatedly cheating during their matches are banned.

Improved UI

This feature will make it easier for players to report other players that they suspect of cheating. In addition, it will also aim to provide quicker resolution to the complaints of hacking or cheating by players in the game. Players can expect the PUBG Mobile Ban Pan 2.0 to be introduced in the game during the next month’s update. This is a great step towards stopping cheating and hacking in PUBG Mobile. While you are here also check out PUBG Mobile 90 FPS Supported Devices List.