Bloodhound is actively becoming one of the most played characters in Apex Legends and some players have been asking this popular question. Another reasoning behind asking this question is due to the rise in LGBTQ Characters in the games recently. According to the EA description for Bloodhound, it says that “Bloodhound’s unparalleled tracking skills are a boon to any team they join, helping them root out hidden opponents and track enemy movements. Calling on Earth’s Old Norse Gods to guide them, Bloodhound believes that destiny is a path that has already been laid out, eventually carrying all to their death. But with that knowledge comes strength, because until that day comes, Bloodhound knows they can’t be stopped”.

Apex Legends: Is Bloodhound a female?

After much research and going through tons of subreddits, we have found out that Bloodhound is not a girl. Bloodhound in fact is Non-Binary. This was confirmed by Apex Legends’ official Twitter account. Bloodhound’s voice actor is a female, Allegra Clark. She tagged Apex Legends in a tweet on Twitter asking them to confirm the gender of Bloodhound due to the never-ending debate. Apex legends later replied to the tweet saying Bloodhound is non-binary indeed. So the question is Bloodhound a girl – ends here.

Allegra Clark has since then uploaded videos of her doing Bloodhound’s voice. She is seen changing her voice to very deep to sound ambiguous.

— Allegra Clark (@SimplyAllegra) February 28, 2019 On EA, it doesn’t say anything about Bloodhound’s gender or any of their other details. It does not say their Name or Age either. The only thing we do know about Bloodhound is that their Home World is Talos, their passive ability is Tracker, their ultimate ability is Beast of the Hunt with Eye of the Allfather as the Tactical Ability. To conclude, Bloodhound is non-binary and goes by They/Them/Thiers pronouns. Now to the question – how does Bloodhound look? We don’t know that either. We can count on Apex Legends to keep that a secret! For more Apex Legends articles click here.