Since Telegram has seen a huge surge of new users it has decided to make things more convenient for the ones that wish to switch. And with this, the company has decided to make things easy for users to import their WhatsApp chats or any other messaging apps to their platform. Also Read | WhatsApp Vs Signal Vs Telegram

How To Import WhatsApp Chat To Telegram For Android?

In this article, we have given a complete guide for you to switch your chats easily in the Telegram App. You will just have to follow few simple steps. And with this, you will have successfully complete the process of transferring your chats from WhatsApp to Telegram. Also Read | Best Smartwatch In 2021

How To Import WhatsApp Chat To Telegram For IOS?

The steps to importing your WhatsApp chat to Telegram for IOS mobile is similar to that of Android devices. There is just one simple change to it. With this, you will easily able to import your WhatsApp Chat on Telegram by just following the above-mentioned steps. Telegram offers tons of features and is almost similar to Whatsapp. The only differentiating feature of Telegram is that it allows a group to be made of over 200,000 members. These features are quite amazing Telegram also has including ones similar to Snapchat where you can delete messages automatically. It also has a huge capability of file sharing. You can share files with 1.5 GB size on Telegram. But Do make sure to not enable Telegram’s ‘People Nearby’ Feature.