Ever since it launched, there are millions of fans who have been trying to participate in the Take Survey For Free Rew event but they are unable to complete it. There are thousands of fans who reported that they are having an error that says that: Also Read | How To Complete Take Survey For Free Rew Event In Free Fire?  If you too are unable to open the ‘Take Survey For Free Rew” event then dont’ worry, we have got you everything covered here. In this post, we will teach you how to fix the ‘Take Survey For Free Rew’ event not opening an issue in Free Fire.

How To Fix ‘Take Survey For Free Rew’ Event Not Opening Error In Free Fire?

As we have mentioned above there are millions of Free Fire fans who are participating in the newly added event ‘Take Survey For Free Rew’ but they are unable to start the event due to heavy traffic.  Notably, it is not a technical error that restricts you to start the event. The only reason why people are not able to participate in taking Survey For Free event is the server is getting an unusually high amount of traffic in a short period of time. Also Read | Free Fire Take Survey For Free Rew Event Removed: When Will It Return To FF? For the uninformed, when a server receives a massive number of traffics at the same time, the server may not be able to handle it. It not only slows down the website but also hurts the functionality of the specific site. Notably, sometimes, if a website gets a huge number of traffics in a short period of time, it crashes the entire server, shutting down the site completely. When it comes to the Garena Free Fire server, they have a very powerful or strong server but they are getting millions of traffic at the same server, making it impossible for users to begin the Take Survey For Free Rew event. If you too are having trouble opening the Take Survey For Free Rew event, I recommend you to try it after a few hours. When you do this after a few hours, you will be able to start and complete it.