If you too are having these errors while launching New World, Apex Legends, Rust, and other games on Steam then don’t worry, we have got you covered. Irrespective of whether you are encounter Steam unrecoverable error, Steam untrusted system file error, or Steam must be running to play this game, you will be able to fix these frustrating errors after reading this guide. Besides providing solutions to these Steam errors, we will also explain the reasons that prevent you from playing your favorite video games on PC.

How to Fix Steam Untrusted System File And Easy Anti-Cheat Error In 2022

Regardless of whether you are encountering an Untrusted system file error, Anti-cheat error, Steamclient64.dil or Steam must be running to play this game, the following method will surely fix the problem in no time. There are numerous ways available on the internet to fix these errors but none of them (except the below one) worked for users. These Steam errors can easily be fixed by simply repairing the game using the EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe. If you don’t know how to repair the game on Steam then follow the below-mentioned steps:

First, launch Steam on your PC. Search for Apex Legends or your favorite game. (We will explain the procedure on Apex Legends).

Right-click on Apex Legends to open up options. Select Manage and then Browse local files and shown in the above picture. Doing this will take you to the folder where Apex Legends is installed.

Double-click on the EasyAntiCheat folder Now, you will have to double-click on EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe and run it as administrator. Click on the Repair Service button and wait until it is installed.

Once installed, open your Steam client and run Apex Legends. That’s it.

Is EAC DOwn: What Causes The Steam Easy Anti-Cheat Error?

The Easy Anti-Cheat error occurs on Steam when the game’s Easy Anti-Cheat server is down. If the EAC of your favorite game is down then you have no option but to wait until the server is up.

How To Fix EAC Index Not Found Issue In 2022?

Resolving EAC Index not found problem is pretty simple. However, if you don’t know how it is done then follow the below-mentioned steps:

Go to your game directory: Steamlibrary>Steamapps>Common>ApexLegends Locate EasyAntiCheat_launcher.exe and rename it to #EastAntiCheat_launcher.exe Find r5apex.exe and rename it to EasyAntiCheat_launcher.exe. Start the game like usual from the Origin Launcher That’s it.

That’s all you need to know about how to fix Steam Untrusted System File, Easy Anti-Cheat Error, and EAC Index not found error in 2021.