As per media reports, Sidharth Shukla suffered a massive heart attack today’s morning and he was taken to Mumbai’s Cooper Hospital. When Shukla was taken to Cooper Hospital, he was declared dead on his arrival. “He was brought dead to the hospital some time ago,” the senior Cooper Hospital official told PTI. According to reports, Sidharth Shukla is survived by his mother and two sisters. As soon as the news of Sidharth Shukla’s demise went viral on the internet, not only fans but also Bollywood and TV celebrities started paying tribute to Bigg Boss 13 winner. Among the celebrities who paid tribute to Sidharth Shukla are — Manoj Bajpayee, Sunil Grover, Himanshi Khurana and others. On the professional front, Sidharth Shukla started his acting career with a lead role in a TV show titled Babul Ka Aangann Chootey Na (2008). He was not only limited to small screens. Yes, he debuted in Bollywood with a supporting role in Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania, which had Varun Dhavan and Alia Bhatt as lead actors. Besides playing lead roles in TV shows and Hindi Movies, Sidharth Shukla took part in multiple reality TV shows including Bigg Boss 13 and Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 7. He hosted Savdhaan India and India’s Got Talent. Ever since he was declared as the winner of Bigg Boss 13, Sidharth Shukla and Shehnaaz Gill have been in the news for their alleged relationships. The duo features in multiple popular music videos togethers and they were fondly known as Sidnaaz by their millions of fans.